Poetry – 2005

Poetic Ramblings….


“Patience, Patient”

Pills, they must have time to use their magic,
After the medicine flows within.
Tearing up, fragile sufferer
Is only recovery sustaining balance.
Endure disease and always, always question.
Never accept a doctor for his wisdom.  Bless you with
Courage to challenge as you transform
Energy from the chaos and heal the darkness.
Perhaps there has been
A grand mistake in all of
This and you will find yourself on the better end of the
Idea. Grand mistakes are rare impossibilities
Exacting very little hope and far more confusion and
Numbness in their wake. As always, in the end
Time and hope make the only true difference.


“Take A Seat  – Do Not Let The Seat Take You” (Run)

Try though you may
All feet, legs, they fail you.
Know it is not your fault
Each step is simply too ripe with cost.

A step becomes a mile within the mind.

Stand instead within your heart
Each thought taking you further
And every mile growing shorter
Though you have not had to move one inch.

Do not imagine that you have been left behind, for
Only those who are going forward may look back

Never discount your pain, as it does shape you.
Once mastered, it becomes seconds only and
Then, time is on your side.

Life becomes a race for those, who too
Easily allow themselves to be swayed by
Their ability to run within the walls of the maze.

They run, so swiftly that all else is missed,
Having come to the finish line the thoughts of glory alone
Erased the beauty of the path that leads them there.

So, the beauties of this world are not intended for them,
Each with glory in the head and running legs
At their waists.  Instead, they exist for
Those of us with the capability to take a moment, no

Those of us who have a million and one moments
Accumulated since birth, childhood, or beyond, wherein
Kindness became more important than acquisition and
Every second were valued as though it were the last.

You are the champions, racing ahead
Of fellow woman and man as though in orbit, the edges of the
Universe itself the ultimate finish line.


“The Eyes Have It” (Sight)

They began their dying before the day I was born
Hovering between darkness and light
Eerie half-life filled them

Each small orb shining, silent
Yes, silently screaming, wishing
Even for a moment to be
Simply emptied of the failures of the darkness

How many smiles missed, yet heard
All images remembered, though unseen
Voices, sounds shape all
Every sound a new picture

In time the pictures
urn to memory, brilliantly colored, seen always

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